When our minds play tricks on us

Published on December 23, 2020 by

We tend to trust our memories, but what we remember isn’t always exactly what happened. Research has shown that we can have false memories, and that our brains can alter the details of past events even after we have stored these in our memory.

We like to think that our brains function a little like cameras. Something happens, our brain records it, and then that memory is stored away. But what if memories can be altered after they have been stored? What if sometimes we remember things that didn’t actually happen? Neuroscientists have been exploring the mystery of human memory for decades and their most recent findings reveal startling truths about the human brain. Our memories turn out to not be like pictures or videos; they are not precise recordings of what happened that capture every important detail. Instead, our memories can fade or smudge, like writing on paper. But there are reasons for these imprecisions and memory illusions, as the scientists in this documentary explain.


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