History Of Weapons: War at Sea

Published on July 18, 2020 by

War at sea – a new form of warfare with exceptional challenges. Weapons expert Stephen Bull tests the most significant three weapons of the sea. The Byzantines guarded the Greek fire as the secret super weapon that kept Constantinople save over 800 years. Experts build an original replica for an experiment that will demonstrate the thunderous force of a ship cannon. One of the most devastating missiles ever invented is the torpedo. And a subsonic torpedo might be ruling sea battles in the future.

Since the very beginning of human existence, weapons have been produced and used to kill. Bloody conquests and dreadful crimes are committed by the means of weapons. But freedom fighters, anti-terror units, liberators — all depend on the use of weapons. The ‘History of Weapons’ is much more than a technical investigation. It uncovers the connection between the development of a new military device and the aftermath of its usage — dynamics that shaped several millennia of human fate.

The 10-episode documentary series History of Weapons tells the story of weaponry that took leading roles in the major battles of history. It reveals the developments of arms that often improved the technical progression of its times. It also investigates men’s desperate attempts to tame the destructive power of ever new instruments of war.

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