Coronavirus in Berlin

Published on April 9, 2020 by

Since the middle of March, many people’s lives have been turned upside down. The Coronavirus is spreading. Politicians are taking more and more measures that have a drastic impact on life. The residents of Berlin are among those feeling the effects.

A team of reporters has been following several Berliners for the past few weeks. The city is one of Germany’s most densely populated. It’s also the place where decisions are being made to enforce stricter and stricter regulations. As in other places, some here are more affected than others: many find their economic livelihoods threatened, and for some the situation is now critical.

Anna, a young doctor, finds her part-time work in a family practice pushing her to the limit. She can only process it up to a point, because of the domestic upheaval waiting for her at home. Supermarket manager Michael Lind is a man on a mission: to reassure his customers, and to make clear that there is no need for panic buying. Then there is the flower-dealer fighting for his existence, and the hospital workers adapting to the new situation as best they can. They are all Berliners, living in the time of Corona.

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