Canada and World Full Headlines for October 8

Published on October 9, 2020 by

Stunning allegations about a plot to overthrow the state government in Michigan, to kidnap the governor, kidnap the police and attempt to ignite a civil war in the U.S. Thirteen men have been charged, the FBI alleging they had been planning for months and intended to execute the attack before the November election. The FBI quoted one of the accused saying Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had “uncontrolled power right now and all good things must come to an end.” On Thursday, Whitmer accused President Donald Trump of stroking their anger. The alleged plot was elaborate and chilling. Eric Sorensen has more on our top story tonight.

You might expect to hear something from the American president after the FBI foil a plot to kidnap a governor. Jackson Proskow is in Washington with more on if Trump commented on the alleged plot and the current status of the president’s health following his COVID-19 diagnosis.

Ontario’s patient ombudsmen is warning more must be done to avoid another long-term care catastrophe. In a new report that documents hundreds of new complaints, the ombudsman says patients and their families were essentially set adrift when the pandemic hit in the spring. As Ross Lord reports, there are fears some facilities are headed down the same disastrous path now.

The federal and Ontario governments are teaming up to provide the Ford Motor Company with a combined $590 million to produce electric vehicles in Oakville, Ontario. As our chief political correspondent David Akin explains, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford are acting more like kindred spirits than just political allies these days.

The Turkish government is accusing Canada of double standards after Ottawa suspended the export of some military technology to Turkey. There are allegations the Canadian-made equipment is being used by the Turkish-backed military in Azerbaijan, which is in a deadly conflict with Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Redmond Shannon reports.

British broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has been warning for a long time that the earth is at a tipping point. Now he’s joined forces with Prince William to launch a five million dollar competition called “Earth Shot.” The idea is to spark and reward bright ideas and innovation to reverse human impact on the planet. As Crystal Goomansingh explains, people are being told to dream big.

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